Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 13th April 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at the Village Hall, Ulley at 7.00 pm on 13th April 2022

Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), S Hubbard, C Myers & P Smith

In attendance: Sarah Whitaker (Clerk)

Three members of the public

A public session of 30 minutes was held prior to the formal Council meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.

Minutes Silence. As a gesture of respect following the death of former Chairman, Jeff Walker.

  1. Nature Recovery Rotherham. Were unable to attend the meeting due to rescheduling.
  2. PC Ryan Everitt. Was unable to attend the meeting, his response to queries raised was read out. 
  • Vehicles parked under the bridge, near the wind farm have been moved on, however, no signs of drugs
  • Parking on the grass verge near Ulley reservoir – bollards will be installed in approx. 4 weeks
  • Speeding – The mobile speed gun can not be utilised due to the winding roads, however, a mobile speed camera van will be utilised in the area.

Ulley PC to respond and invite PC Everitt to the next meeting.

  1. Pavements. There were concerns from a resident regarding the disrepair of pavements particularly on Turnshaw Road.  The issue has been raised at the Ward walk sessions and Ulley PC will continue to raise this.
  2. Litter Picking. A resident raised concerns that several cannisters had be found while litter picking.  Ulley PC asked volunteers to take photographs in future.
  3. Speeding. 2 speed campaigns have been carried out in the past using the speed gun. Ulley PC will invite PC Everitt to view safe places to stand to use the speed gun.
  4. Road Surfaces. A resident raised concerns that the resurfacing on Penny Hill Lane is not completed, road markings are not finished.  Ulley PC will follow this up with RMBC
  5. Bin on the Park. A resident raised the issue of the dog waste bin on the park. This will be discussed under Agenda item 8c.

23/22 To receive and approve any apologies for absence

There were no apologies of absence received.

24/22 To note any declarations of interest on items to be discussed at this meeting

Councillor Sue Hubbard declared an interest in Agenda item 14 – Planning - as the Church Warden.

25/22 To consider any matters to be excluded from the public

There were no matters to exclude

26/22 To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th January 2022.

Resolved:      The minutes of the meeting be approved as a true record.

27/22 To receive written applications and to co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy for a Parish Councillor

No applications had been received.

28/22 To receive a report from the Millennium Trust

  1. Social Evening. Started the programme of social evenings again which is going well, the last one was on a Saturday but going forward they will be on a Friday.
  2. Insulation. It has been discovered that there is no loft insulation in the Village Hall.  This needs to be addressed as a priority.

29/22 - To receive an update from the Parish Plan Steering Committee (PPSC)

There have been 2 meetings since the last Parish Council meeting.  An internal audit of the accounts has been arranged.

  1. Queries. The response to the queries raised by Ulley PC at the last meeting were sent to the Clerk in February and PPSC await a decision. 
  2. Village Consultation. Went very well, lasted 2 hours with 17 visitors, all queries raised at the event were answered in full. A comments box was left in the Church for a further week, 7 comments were received, all positive and nothing to write up.  Therefore, no changes have been made to the park plan and await the go ahead from Ulley PC.
  3. Finance. Enquiries are being made for permission to incorporate the money allocated from the Ward Budget for the Ecomulch towards the full cost of the park plan.  The deadline for the FCC grant has passed, however, it opens again in June.  An expression of Interest has been sent to the Banks Group which was well received.
  4. Village Questionnaire. Now available on the website.
  5. Banks Group. Due to a low up take of grants and a large balance they are looking to consider a one-off large payment.  An application for a request of £50k has been completed and the go ahead of the Parish Council is required as leaseholders.

Resolved:      Ulley PC agreed to the Park Plan and to proceed with the request for funds from the Banks Group.

30/22   To consider any issues arising from the management of the Play Area

  1. Inspection report. The recent inspection report was graded as low risk.   
  2. Consider sending the Park Plan to Tim Archer.

Resolved:      To forward the Park Plan to Tim Archer for his information.

  1. Management of the litter bin. All bins supplied by RMBC are now joint general litter and dog waste.  The location of the bin in the park is both easily accessible for dog walkers and for RMBC to empty.

Resolved:      Leave the bin in this location for the moment and review in 6 months.

  1. Parish Plan. A meeting should take place between all the Village Groups to set out an action plan.  The information from the village questionnaire provided good data and we need to use this.

Resolved:      PPSC to organise meeting.

31/22   To receive an update on the Queens Jubilee

Resident will be encouraged to decorate their houses.  Due to holidays a celebration event will be considered for 11th June.

Resolved:      Cllr Hubbard will organise a meeting with the village groups to discuss further.

32/22     Christmas Street Lights.

Ulley PC are researching the possibility of installing Christmas Street Lighting and are currently awaiting quotations.

33/22   To receive an update for repairs to the War Memorial

No update, await response to grant application from the War Memorials Trust

34/22   To consider matters relating to the Royal Oak

  1. Community Asset. RMBC have confirmed receipt of recent application to make the Royal Oak a Community Asset, we now await a decision.
  2. Field. The Planning department at RMBC have stated that as the trees are not protected by way of a TPO the Council cannot impose any conditions.  This was queried by Ulley PC

Resolved:      The clerk to follow this up

35/22   To consider repairs to the damaged village sign on Turnshaw Road

Quotations were requested from 2 other suppliers, however, 1 did not respond and the other would not quote as the job was too small.

Resolved:      Alternative solutions to be considered.

36/22   To consider any Planning Applications received since the last meeting

  1. Application to vary Conditions - White Lane Cottage, Green Lane – No objections
  2. Application to undertake works to a tree(s) within Ulley Conservation Area – Holy Trinity Church, Main Street, Ulley – No objections

37/22 To receive a financial update


  1. Report to 28th February, including Bank Reconciliation and Payments for Authorisation

Resolved: The following items were authorised for payment:


Southern Electric

Village Hall Electricity

£ 140.99


Whitaker, S

Salary December 21

£ 206.67



Clerks Tax December 21

£ 51.60


Whitaker, S

Salary January 22

£ 206.67



Clerks Tax January 22

£ 51.60


Anderson Tree Care

Remove Damaged Tree

£ 264.00


Whitaker, S

Clerks Salary February 22

£ 206.67

Balance £5058.78 Current Account            £3627.66 Reserves Account

  1. YLCA Membership renewal

Resolved:      Agreed

  1. To approve Faye Hazlehurst, Voluntary Action Rotherham, as Internal Auditor for the financial year ending 31st March 2022 at a cost of £250.

Resolved:      Agreed and Signed Letter of Engagement

  1. Review of Asset Register

Resolved:      No amendments

38/22   To discuss the Insurance Review

Quotations received from BHIB Council Insurance Broker, the most competitive is £662.26 for a 3-year contract with Aviva.  The current supplier Zurich has sent a renewal for 1,142.74.

Resolved:      Agreed to proceed with Aviva

39/22   To consider a review of policies, including:

  1. Volunteer Policy         
  2. Model Publication Scheme    
  3. Complaints Procedure
  4. Play Area Policy & Risk Assessment          

Resolved:      Agreed, upon slight amendments to the Volunteer Policy.

40/21   To consider any general correspondence received, including:

  1. Request for a Birthday Party in the Park

Resolved:      This was retrospectively agreed  

  1. Ulley Multi-Agency Meeting – Simpler signage is being considered in addition to a throw line and pole.
  2. White Rose Update – There has been a national pay increase for the Clerk

Resolved:      This was retrospectively agreed 

41/22   To consider any agenda items and arrangements for the next Meeting of the parish council to be held on 25th May 2022 - None

The meeting was closed at 8.35pm.

Signed …………………………(Chairman). Date: 25th May 2022