Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 24th November 2021

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting - 24th November 2021

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at the Village Hall, Ulley at 6.45 on 24 November 2021

Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), C Myers & P Smith S Hubbard
In attendance:

Sarah Whitaker (Clerk)

Six members of the public

A public session of 15 minutes was held prior to the formal Council meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.

  1. Litter Picking Group. a)    A resident raised the issue that the farmers had been on the stretch of Road between Main Street and Brampton Lane with grass cutters and shredded litter such as tin cans and glass, which can be dangerous to the litter pickers.  Sue Hubbard agreed to contact the farmers to ask if they could inform the litter picking group in advance so that the area can be picked.
  2. Fallen Leaves causing Flooding. A resident raised the issue of fallen leaves causing issues, this has been reported to RMBC but no action taken.  The Clerk to raise the issue with Street Pride on behalf of UPC.
  3. Fallen Branch in the Park. A resident raised the issue of a heavily leaning tree in the park. The clerk to contact RMBC for a quote to investigate.

88/21 To receive and approve any apologies for absence

There were no apologies

89/21 To note any declarations of interest on items to be discussed at this meeting

There were no declarations of interest

90/21 To consider any matters to be excluded from the public

There were no matters to exclude

91/21 To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 29 September 2021.

Resolved:       That the minutes of the meeting be approved as a true record.

92/21 To receive written applications and to co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy for a Parish Councillor

The Clerk reported that one application had been received from Sue Hubbard.

Resolved:       That Sue Hubbard be co-opted as councillor.  Sue Hubbard signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting.  Sue to forward the Register of Interest form to the Clerk within 28 days. 

Clerk to contact RMBC to advertise the new Councillor vacancy which has arisen.

93/21 To consider any changes in Covid Guidance to the functioning of the Parish Council

It was noted that there have been no changes to restrictions

94/21   To receive a report from the Millennium Trust

  1. Hall Bookings. Bookings for the village hall are now taken online
  2. Banking. Banking has moved online which makes payments easier
  3. Music Licence. The village hall now has a music licence.
  4. Funding. Funding has been secured to complete work to hide wiring
  5. Social Evening. The first social evening has taken place and was a success
  6. Xmas. The Christmas tree and decorations have been placed around the village and will be switched on 1 December.  The Christmas children’s party is ready to go ahead and will be limited to 1 adult per child due to the restriction of 40 in the village hall.
  7. Alcohol Licence. Clarification has been given - no alcohol must be brought to the village hall for children’s events and parties, this does not apply to private parties

95/21 - To receive an update from the Parish Plan Steering Committee (PPSC)

  1. Presentation of the Ulley Life Questionnaire Julie Samuel’s presented the results from the Ulley Life Questionnaire on behalf of PPSC.  The PPSC was thanked for an excellent piece of work and for all their efforts.

Resolved: Julie will provide the Clerk with a slightly amended version of the presentation for publication on the Ulley Parish Council website.

  1. Playground Update a)    Jane Dobson presented the final park plan to the council.  Hags is the chosen supplier out of 5 consulted, this was due to cost, quality and customer service. The PPSC has applied for funding from the Ward budget for the eco tumble, however, this has been delayed due to a Councillor vacancy. Funding will be sought for the swings from the Halifax fund.

Resolved: The clerk to make an expression of interest to FCC Community Action Fund for funds to cover the whole cost of the plan, £77,300.00. 

The Council will review the final plan in preparation for discussion at the next Parish Council Meeting taking into consideration the guarantee terms and any financial implications for UPC.

We are working towards the 8-point proposal from PPSC and it will be reviewed with the final plan.

96/21   To consider any issues arising from the management of the Play Area, including the monthly inspection report and consider changing this to Bi-monthly.                                                              

  1. Inspection report. The recent inspection report was graded as low risk.  It was noted that before we receive the most recent inspection report another one has already been carried out, therefore the council considered changing to bi-monthly inspections but noted if this was the case, regular inspections would need to be carried out by volunteers of the parish council using a checklist.

Resolved:       The clerk will make enquiries regarding the cost of moving to bi-monthly inspections

97/21   To receive an update for repairs to the War Memorial

The Clerk advised that to enable us to proceed with the grant from the War Memorial Trust an additional quotation was needed.  The Clerk has met with Specialist UK Restorations who have provided a quote.

98/21   To consider matters relating to the Royal Oak

  1. The clerk has received no response to the application to register the Royal Oak as a community asset.

Resolved: The clerk to follow this up

  1. The field at the back of the Royal Oak was discussed

Resolved: The clerk to contact planning regarding enforcement

99/21 To receive an update on the enquiries into creating a wildflower meadow

Kevin Burke has agreed to meet with the Parish Council to discuss.

Resolved: The clerk to contact Kevin to establish a convenient date/time

100/21 To receive an update on the Queens Jubilee Beacons

There are no updates

101/21 To receive an update regarding the un-named Road off Poynton Avenue

Following enquiries made by the clerk, RMBC have advised that the access Road is owned by RMBC and managed by the Estates Team, the Clerk has contacted the Estates Team to establish who is responsible for maintaining the Road, however no response has been received

Resolved: The clerk to follow this up

102/21 To receive an update in relating to Highways

Highways will be resurfacing Reservoir Road and Penny Hill Lane, this should take place in the next financial year

Resolved: The clerk to research prices for speed signs to place around the village

103/21 To consider repairs to the damaged village sign on Turnshaw Road

Resolved: Cllr Robson to contact the Quarry for a price to repair

104/21 To consider any Planning Applications received since the last meeting

There were no planning applications

105/21 To receive a Financial update to 29 October 2021, including Bank Reconciliation and Payments for Authorisation & Budget Update  

Resolved:       The following items were authorised for payment:


Business Stream

Village Hall Water

 £           23.69



Clerks Tax August 21

 £           69.40


Whitaker, S

Salary September 2021

 £         206.67



Village Hall Electricity

 £           55.35



Clerks Tax September 21

 £           51.60

Resolved:       a new Electricity Contract for a fixed term of 2 years has been agreed, however, due to the rise in energy bills and pressures on the budget a 3% increase to the precept will apply

106/21 Halifax Fund: To receive a progress report and consider any grant applications to the Fund

  1.  The recent bid for a new Village Hall door has been accepted, this will be completed once the contractor is available
  • The recent bid to plant shrubs in the stone planter has been completed, the funds will be released once the invoice has been received
  • A new application has been received from Sue Hubbard for Litter Picking equipment

Resolved:       Approved the Bid for the litter picking equipment £264.70

  1. To approve the amount to be paid into the new bank account

Resolved:       Clerk to transfer £19,544.18 from the ‘Ulley Parish Council Halifax Grant’ Co-op bank account to the ‘Halifax Estates Ulley Village Grants’ Natwest bank account

  1.  To review the changes to the grant application and Trust Deed

Resolved:       New trust Deed was signed and grant application agreed

107/21 To consider a review of policies, including:

  1. Internal Controls Policy & Procedure      
  2. Standing Orders
  3. Financial regulations
  4. Policy Review Schedule – Clerk advised to review GDPR regulations and a Play Area Policy at the next meeting

Resolved:       Agreed 

108/21 To consider any general correspondence received, including:

  1. Police Report – Crime statistics were not available

Resolved: the clerk will try and obtain these for the next meeting

  1. Ulley Multi-Agency Meeting – An update was given
  2. White Rose Update – An update was given
  3. Emails from members of the public regarding the park bin – IIt was a decision of the Council to remove the bin in the play park, this decision had been agreed outside a meeting via email, therefore had not been minuted.  An official complaint regarding the removal of the bin has been made to RMBC by a member of the public.  RMBC have reviewed the complaint and deemed there is no evidence of wrong doing.This issue instigated an angry reaction from a member of the public who challenged the council on the decision and disrupted the meeting.

Resolved:       The temporary bin will remain in place for now. Proposals for a new bin have been incorporated into the proposed Park Plan by the PPSC as requested. This matter will therefore be reviewed as part of the overall plan for the Park. 

109/21 To consider any agenda items and arrangements for the next Meeting of the parish council to be held on 26 January 2022.

Resolved:       The following agenda items were agreed for the next meeting

  • Review the Final Park Plan

The meeting was closed at 9.00.

Signed …………………………(Chairman). Date: 26 January 2022