Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 24th March 2021

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council Held via Zoom online at 7.00 pm on 24 th March 2021

Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), C Myers, P Smith, & I Stone.

In attendance: G Pacey (Clerk), Cllr Bob Wash (RMBC), Alexander Stafford MP

Four members of the public.

A public session of 15 minutes was held prior to the formal Ulley Parish Council (UPC) meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders. The following points were noted:

a) Alexander Stafford, MP, was present to take questions, and progress issues from residents regarding: parking near the reservoir, fly-tipping, the Pocket Parks scheme and speeding in the village (Operation Slowdown / Community Speedwatch).

b) Problem with Rats on Poynton Avenue – advised this is the responsibility of RMBC Environmental Health.

c) Village Hall Noticeboards – request to display UPC Meeting Agendas.

d) Issue regarding a discussion on Facebook about the wall on Main Street – Cllr Walsh noted the aim for resolution of such disagreements should be via one-to-one meetings offline and then possibly RMBC Standards and Ethics Committee if not resolved, rather than at a UPC meeting.

e) Funds c.£120 relating to Andrew Mozley’s funeral for the erection of a memorial. Should have been ring-fenced by UPC for possible use for a planter outside the Village Hall.

17/21 - To receive and approve any apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr Hancock.

18/21 - To record any declarations of interest – There were no declarations.

19/21 - To consider any matters which should be dealt with in open, or confidential session (items for which the Press and Public may be excluded further to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 - There were none.

20/21 - To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 27 th January 2020.

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting be approved as a true record.

21/21 – To receive a report from the Millennium Trust

Introduction of a Safeguarding Policy. Suggested joint policy with UPC and PPSC.

22/21 - To receive a report from the Parish Plan Steering Committee

Janine Strange, the recently appointed Chair, updated Councillors with developments. Councillors also considered the Terms of Reference and minutes of the first meeting held on 1st March 2021. There will be a competition to design the PPSC logo, an action plan was being drafted including a questionnaire for the park and the parish plan, and a list of grant-making organisations was being made, together with approaches to potential play equipment companies such as Sutcliffe Play.

Resolved: That both documents be accepted without further comment.

There was discussion about a Memorandum of Understanding from UPC to clearly define the limits of the powers of PPSC to represent and take decisions on behalf of UPC, for example, in fundraising, and day-to-day improvements.

Resolved: Clerk to draft an MOU for circulation and discussion with Councillors – to be agreed by email and ratified at the next UPC Meeting.

23/21 - To consider any issues arising from the management of the Play Area

a) See saw. The Clerk noted the new Four Way See-Saw had been installed on 19th March 2021 and the paperwork relating to the installation and the independent inspection was still awaited.

Resolved: Clerk to chase paperwork and, on satisfactory receipt, to arrange payment of the invoicing in respect of £2997.78+VAT, and to submit the final element of the RMBC grant claim paperwork.

b) Play Bark. The Clerk noted the need to top-up the play bark in the play area.

Resolved: That the Clerk order three sacks from Hobsons’ at a cost of c.£70/bag and liaise with the Workabout group to for delivery and distribution.

c) Play Inspection Report. No additional items to report.

24/21 – To consider the farm wall repair on Main Street, Ulley

The Chair noted there had been an issue with the maintenance of the flower bed near the farm wall on Main Street. A resident had been maintaining it, but this had created mud left on the pavement below it causing some residents to complain. The occupier tenant had been contacted and confirmed OK to continue, and with Landlord approval subject to mud clearance by the resident when the border was maintained.

Resolved: To continue with the current arrangements. In the longer term, it was noted that the neighbour was likely to be replacing the wall, and there had been discussions with the landlord about replacing the farm wall.

25/21 – To consider the refurbishment of the War Memorial

The Clerk reported he had established from RMBC that a neighbour owned the wall containing the memorial. A site visit had been held with Steve Winks Memorials and a quotation for new lettering, cleaning the stone display, and re-pointing underneath and around the top ridge had been requested – but was not available in time for the meeting.

Meanwhile funding was available, subject to presentation of quotes.

Resolved: Clerk to seek alternative quotes.

26/21 – To consider relocating the Planter on Poynton Avenue

The Chair noted that a resident of Poynton Avenue was having a driveway installed and this would require the moving of the existing Planter before works began on 30th April 2021. There followed general discussion regarding the Planters in the village.

Resolved: To move and upgrade the existing planter up to a budget of £150.

27/21 – To consider any Planning Applications received since the last meeting

There were no planning applications received for Ulley during the period.

28/21 - Financial Update:

a) to receive a verbal and written report to 28th February 2021 including authorization of payments schedule. The Clerk presented a review of income and expenditure against budget, a bank reconciliation to 28th February 2021 and a list of payments for authorization.

Resolved: The following items were authorized for payment:

02/01/21 Bank Statement Fee 42/2020P Co-op £2.50
02/02/21 D & J Hobson 44/2020P Ulley in Bloom 2020 £1,200.00
22/02/21 Broadfield Mowers 45/2020P Repairs to Cub Cadet Mower TC114 HA £547.07
22/02/21 Strange, J 46/2020P Parish Survey Print Costs £26.07
04/03/21 Business Stream 47/2020P Water supply to hall - 18/02/21 £29.61
17/03/21 YLCA 49/2020P P Smith Seminar 09/09/20 £5.00
31/03/21 Sutcliffe Play 51/2020P Four way see saw £1,815.60
31/03/21 Sutcliffe Play 52/2020P Four way see saw £1,781.74
31/03/21 SSE 53/2020P Electricity supply to the hall £458.31

b) To approve Faye Hazlehurst, Voluntary Action Rotherham, as Internal Auditor for the financial year ending 31st March 2021 at a cost of £210.00

Resolved: That Faye Hazlehurst, Voluntary Action Rotherham, be approved as Internal Auditor for the financial year ending 31st March 2021 at a cost of £210.00

c) To review the Asset Register

Resolved: That the Asset Register be approved without further amendments

29/21 - To receive a progress report and consider grant applications to the Halifax Fund.

a) The Trust. The Clerk noted that, further to discussions with the Internal Auditor and Halifax Estates, the Halifax Estates Ulley Village Grants Trust would be established as an Arms Length Management Organisation. An application to open a new account with the Natwest Bank was in progress, but the Clerk had been awaiting further details from Cllr. Pat Smith before being able to proceed.

Resolved: On receipt of Cllr Smith’s details, Clerk to set up the bank account and transfer the current balance from the UPC Halifax Estates account. Future meetings of the Trust to be held by the trustees immediately prior to each UPC Meeting.

b) Grant claim for Halloween / Christmas 2020.

The Clerk noted that the final claim, including copies of receipts, amounting to £476.08 had now been received.

Resolved: To approve and pay the claim for £476.08

c) Ulley in Bloom 2020 and 2021

The Clerk noted that he had received an invoice for £1000+VAT from Hobsons relating to the agreed scheme for 2020. Hobsons had offered to continue with the scheme for 2021 at the same price.

Resolved: To accept Hobson’s verbal quote of £1000+VAT for the 2021 scheme, subject to a review of contractors for the 2022 scheme.

d) New Jet Washer

The Chair asked for a grant on behalf of UPC for a WORKX WG630 portable pressure cleaner. This was to provide portable jet wash cleaning equipment to keep the village looking neat and tidy for residents and villagers. This will be used for cleaning moss and algae from surfaces, to look after the Children’s Playground, Churchyard, as well as signs and stones in areas at the entrance to and throughout the village.

Resolved: To approve and pay the claim for £189.99 inc VAT.

30/21 - To consider a review of policies, including:

a) Code of Conduct

The Chair noted that, since the agenda papers were issues, a new LGA Model Code of Conduct had been received by UPC.

Resolved: Clerk to circulate new Code of Conduct for comment / discussion online, and request advice/comment for any contentious clauses arising. The new Model Code to be approved at the next UPC Meeting.

b) Safeguarding Policy

Further to a request from the Millennium Trust, it had been agreed to formulate a joint safeguarding policy for UPC, the Millennium Trust and the PPSC.

Resolved: The Clerk to obtain a proforma from the YLCA.

31/21 - To consider any general correspondence.

a) White Rose Update – March 2021


32/21 - To consider any agenda items and note the date of the next Annual Meeting of the parish council to be held on 26th May 2021

Cllr Smith requested that Footpaths and Bridleways be added as an agenda item.

The meeting was closed at 8.45pm.

Signed (Chairman). Date: 26 th May 202